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Dual Crisis of On-going Conflict and Drought

  1. The peace truce but still conflict

As of March 31st, the Afar people abided by their side of the truce to allow humanitarian convoys into Tigray travelling through Afar Region. Within two days of the first convoy getting in, fighting had resumed in Magaale, the Afar militia pushing TPLF fighters back from Bubbuyse, just 20 kilometers from where the majority of Magaale’s 35,000 displaced people are harboring in Dirma. Fighting in Konnaba is persistent with the TPLF controlling the entire district and jockeying to come back into Dallol through Dam’ale.

While the TPLF did withdraw from Erebti town around 20 kilometers from the border with Aba’ala district on the main road on April 12th, they have left behind mayhem of destruction: all shops systematically looted, government offices rendered unusable, private houses ripped apart, the school now totally unserviceable. While the clinic was raided of all possible supplies and equipment, the building still stands. The worse for the local people was they desecrated Islam by bringing the Koranic books out of the mosque and urinating on them. Erebti the last town Tigray – bound convoys pass through before reaching Aba’ala town where they cross into Tigray. Continue reading

News - we live in a global world

Update from Valerie – 6th December 2021

Our Club have been collecting donations and have forwarded funds directly to Valerie. In an email she replied that “these funds will help to purchase emergency food and milk for the children in the villages she is travelling to in the next few days”, she is very, very overwhelmed with the support we have been able to provide. A little bit of good news is that the Ethiopian Government troops have moved into the local towns and blocked the Tigrayan forces and moving them further north away from the AFAR region.

The following is a short update from Valerie Browning:

Dear all again,

this is the latest info – as of the last 3 days, the PM is actually ordering the army and there have been advances.

If this means TPLF will be out of Afar Region, this is tenuous since the border is very long and the hills very porous for such activities. Afar displaced will not be secure to go home for sometime. Then the recovery is such a long road ahead.

APDA is working hard to assist any other NGOs to take assistance in and also looking at how to balance between those in the community who have some ability to feed their household and those who are destitute – trying to stimulate markets and so on.

As winter sets in for these people, sincerely need to work harder to battle the shelter issues – Afar traditional mats above anything are wanted and needed to build an Afar nomadic house again. with many thanks to each of you



News - we live in a global world

November 15th update in AFAR Region

Today we received an email from Rotarian Valerie Browning –

Dear all

want you all to know how fast this conflict is moving: from this side, the Afar are pushing back the advance at high cost in casualty as well as destruction of dwellings, infrastructure and assets such as herds.

APDA continues  to work as hard as we can with all obstacles – we are trying to reach all malnourished people as well as delivering mothers. Right now, APDA may well be the remaining organization that is moving in the rural communities.

To all of you, APDA sends its strong greetings knowing that you all stand for an end to the dabarcle, from your side supporting as you can with concern and assistance.

all the very best


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