News - we live in a global world

Guest Speaker first hand experience

The video for the guest speaker below has been added to ‘Voice of Rotary’


Not to be missed – Guest Speaker account of their experience in a contaminated rental house that has ripped their lives apart and agents do not want to know.

Michael and Yvonne Lacey have both been devoted community workers and volunteers who over the years have received extensive recognition for their community work.

Their aim is to raise awareness of the serious problem created by methamphetamine contamination of properties and its broad reaching ramifications for innocent members of the community especially children, regardless of socio-economic background.

Join us to hear a first-hand account

Monday 15th May at 7:00pm

eClub online meeting ZOOM link click here

Meeting ID 818 7432 5870   Passcode 550695
call Graham for assistance 0412 694 461

News - we live in a global world

eClub launches new program – Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is a conceptual framework that claims to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people, especially in the workplace, including populations who have historically been under-represented or subject to discrimination because of their background, identity, disability, etc.

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a term used to describe policies and programs that promote the representation and participation of different groups of individuals, including people of different ages, races and ethnicities, abilities and disabilities, genders, religions, cultures and sexual orientations.

As an eClub, we are able to communicate on-line with individuals and organizations. Our ability to connect with and connect people worldwide will enable discussion to develop amicable outcomes and change policies and attitudes.

Soon there will be a social media to enable open communication.

News - we live in a global world

Finally a peace-agreement and moving forward with recovery…

November 13th 2022     The northern conflict over, so we all hope…

The peace-agreement

As has been well published, as of November 2nd a peace agreement between the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front has been brokered with the conditions of disarmament, returning to the constitutional understanding of regional relation with the federal government and so. Within Afar Region, this is greeted with tentative joy given the horrors that have taken place over the past 2 years, the utter disruption to livelihoods and the destruction of infrastructures. Indeed, it is a reversal of the aggression so many communities adjacent to the borders of Tigray and Amhara Regions in western Afar have endured repeatedly. As of writing, there is growing confidence that peace indeed in Tigray and with Tigray will become reality with excitement in Mekele, the Regional capital as prices of commodities drop daily to within country – costs and freedom of movement is restored. Moreover, there is talk of a federal reconciliation to be established between the warring factions leading up to election in Tigray. However the country continues to endure conflict in western Oromia (Wollega) and in other Oromo areas, ethnic crimes being perpetuated. Too, the Issa/ Afar conflict appears far from over although the Issa- Somali occupancy of Awash roadside towns in Afar came to an end in September, Issa having been pushed back into their adjoining Somali Region ending the decades – long contraband trade of the Issa from Djibouti and the Arab states into Ethiopia having a market base in the 3 towns now freed to Afar control. Djibouti-fired insurgency again flared in late October adjacent to Guddamyto, one of those former contraband towns causing severe casualty.

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