Page 4 - Rotary Matters - December
P. 4

Christmas, despite the festivities is also a time that we remember those we have loved and lost. We need
         to remember those around us who are alone at this time of the year.

         This Christmas, Kathryn and I extend to each and every one of you, our fondest wishes – remembering the
         words of Burton Hills “The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree, the presence of a happy family all
         wrapped up in each other”.

         As we celebrate this Christmas,
         Imagine Rotary – as we fondly
         “remember the past – looking to the future”!

         Merry Christmas.

         We can remain Proud of the Past and
         Confident for the future!


         Partner Programme #2

         We have also chosen this year support for the Peter Nelson Leukaemia Research Fellowship Fund,
         established by Olympic Gold medallist and former Governor of South Australia, Marjorie Jackson Nelson,
         in memory of her late husband, Australian Olympic cyclist, Peter Nelson, who died of leukaemia in 1977.

         He was at that time a Rotarian with the Rotary Club of Unley.

         Following his death, Marj together with the Rotary Club of Unley instigated
         the fund to support researchers in finding a cure for this deadly cancer.
         For the past 45 years, the fund has supported ten researchers, the latest
         currently undertaking her research at SAMRI, investigating alternative
         treatment options for T-Cell acute leukaemia.

         Last year more than 4600 adults and 300 children in Australia were diagnosed with leukaemia. This disease
         categorised into four main types, one being acute leukaemia known as ALL. This is the most common type
         of childhood leukaemia and the most common childhood cancer. Even with chemotherapy 15% of paedi-
         atric patients are at high risk of primary resistance or relapse within five years and up to 40% of adults fail

         The fund neither seeks nor receives government funding and is only made possible through the support of
         the South Australian community. $300000.00 is needed to invest into each three-year research term.
         This year as we Imagine Rotary, we need to continue to build the legacy, supporting Marj in her fundraising
         efforts, towards the hope, in the near future, researchers finding a cure that will ensure that other families
         are not robbed of a loved one because of leukaemia.

                  New stories

          Rotary Matters is always looking for new stories. Some clubs are regular suppliers of stories on their
          projects but most aren’t. The more variety we have in the newsletter the greater the readership.

          Please share your club’s stories with Rotarians right across the District. If you don’t think you have the
          writing skills just talk to the editor and he will write it for you.

           Euan Miller Editor   or  0401 124 387
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