Page 2 - Rotary Matters - November
P. 2

The wonderful work of ROMAC was illustrated, under the directive of two D9510 members, D’Arcy Walsh
         and Stephen Noble, both of the Rotary Club of Adelaide.
         D’Arcy and Stephen conducted the ROMAC Annual General Meeting,
         in a very efficient manner, all the formalities and necessities out of the
         way within ten minutes. This allowed for a special presentation involving the meeting of the most
         recent little girl helped by ROMAC.
                                                                                        AGM attendees were introduced to the gorgeous little girl,
                                                                                        with her loving Mum from Tonga. Baby Melenaite was born
                                                                                        in Tonga by emergency caesarian section on the 17th June
                                                                                        to Michelleanne a young lady of 22-years. Melenaite had
                                                                                        a huge very vascular sacrococcygeal teratoma on her bottom
                                                                                        which extended from the hip joint to lower lumbar posteriorly,
                                                                                        also extended from buttock to buttock. The Canberra
                                                                                        Centennial Women and Children’s Hospital accepted the care
                                                                                        of Melenaite through the Memorandum of Understanding
                                                                                        between ROMAC and the Canberra Health Services which was
                                                                                        re-signed for another 5 years in May this year. After surgery
                                                                                        lasting over 12 hours, when the tumour was removed it
                                                                                        weighed the same as the baby. Now 16 weeks old Melenaite
                                                                                        has undergone a further 9 hour surgery and will need
                                                                                        additional treatment before she can return home.
                                                                                        Donations to ROMAC click here.
               RI President Elect Gordon McInally

               with Melenaite and her mum
         But she will return home. For this angelic doll like girl, ROMAC have altered the her chances. Her story
         tugged at my heart, looking at a photo of her before surgery and to look across the table into the eyes of
         this enchanting little girl with her little pink bow in her dark locks, brought tears to my eyes, but made me
         proud to be a Rotarian. It proved that through ROMAC, we can be People of Action. As I Imagine Rotary –
         I imagine what life will now be for this dear little girl.

         Again, thinking of the Conference theme Better Together, I also considered that in greater numbers, we
         can achieve more. It was Helen Keller who said, Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
         This is certainly real when we look at the collective work of Rotary.

         I have heard on more than one occasion as I travel around our District “we’re only a small club”, a
         comment made sometimes as a perceived excuse - but an excuse for what? How large or small, the
         contributions from clubs collectively are making a huge difference across the respective communities
         of our District and the wider world. Collectively we make a difference.

         While at the conference, there was a barista - he was providing coffee for a “gold coin” donation.
         After a day’s effort, he donated $552 to the Rotary Foundation. It was a great illustration that if 1.4 million
         Rotarians donated a cup of Coffee each week to our charity, the Rotary Foundation, we would accumulate
         $145,600,000.00. A huge amount of money that could do so much – individually not a big contribution,
         but collectively it is “mind blowing”!

         This is also the same with what our clubs are doing. Recently over one weekend I visited the Rotary Club
         of Coromandel Valley and their Plant Sale, it was amazing to see how this novel fundraising activity
         attracted people from near on sunrise to purchase plants. The commission that the Rotary Club receive
         will significantly help that clubs service efforts.

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