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                              WHY I JOINED A PASSPORT CLUB’

     Article by William (Bill) Peacock OAM

     In December 2019, I was left with no alternative than to resign from a traditional Rotary club. The
     next few weeks as a believer in Rotary, Service above Self, the Four Way Test and being a Rotarian of
     Action, I was lost. Having been involved with Rotary since 1949 when I first contracted Polio as a
     child and lived with the support of Rotary for all my life from that time forward, there was a void.

     I knew that I wanted to remain a Rotarian and move forward. After incredibly careful consideration and discussion
     with Rotarian friends, I joined a Rotary passport club. My life as a Rotarian changed, it’s unlike any community I
     have ever experienced and made me realise the value of Rotary at its absolute best. From the first day of joining
     D9560  Passport Club, (QLD) I felt supported by the club president, secretary, treasurer, board of directors
     and all the members, because we share the strongest sense of purpose and are people of action without barriers.

     If I am asked what the great benefit of a passport club is, I would say it is:

     Transparency:  information sharing, open communication, and there are no secrets. The integrity of
     sharing Rotary information, direction and vision is the strongest initiative of all. We bridge cultural, linguistic,
     diversity, generational and geographic barriers as we share and commit our time and energy with flexibility.
     Flexibility: This style of club allows so many different options for getting involved and letting Rotary fit into a
     terribly busy life schedule. Many volunteers have little time and don’t like meetings, so a passport club suits.

     Engagement: Passport club members can engage in meetings that focus on service while socialising. I have had
     the great experience of attending a few other Rotary clubs as a guest and the warmth, acceptance and sharing was
     exceptional. As a fundraiser for the Rotary Foundation, through World’s Greatest Meal, the generosity was in the
     true spirit of Service above Self. The discovery of a variety of service opportunities in a broad range of Rotary clubs
     allows for partnerships creating greater impact.

     A passport club is not just about attending meetings but serving a broader range of community service. A passport
     club member no longer feels trapped in the restraints of meetings, time and energy but can grow as a Rotarian and
     perpetuate high ethical standards in one's business, one's profession, and in one's personal life.

     Bill Peacock OAM is a member of D9560 passport club, a member of the Polio Survivors Action Group, has a
     PHF+4, is the World’s Greatest Meal Australian and Oceanic Coordinator and is a disability consultant/advocate.

     ‘Membership in D9560 Passport Rotary provides you with a "passport" to visit and work with any other Rotary
     club in your district or the world, and to take part in activities, programs and projects that interest and engage

     For more general information about passport clubs, check out the Rotary International Guide to Passport Clubs


     Excerpts from an article by DG Merewyn Wright, District 9550 DG Newsletter, August 2020

     In his Theme address at the International Assembly, Rotary International President Holger Knaack
     'hit the nail on the head' with his many comments about membership, this being just one:

            "Every new member changes us a little bit. That person brings a new perspective, new
      experiences. We need to embrace this constant renewal. We will grow stronger as we learn from
                            new members and take their experience and knowledge."


                We would like to hear from Clubs or Districts telling us what they have done. Please include a summary,
                  contact details, a couple of captioned photos, and email to Issa Shalhoub, this Newsletter’s editor.
       We also would like readers to share their experiences and stories on Best Practices in their Clubs and what has worked for their

                           Clubs in gaining new members and also what has helped in keeping members.

    Rotary on the Move                                                  October 2020                         Page 7
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