Page 4 - 2020-10-Rotary-on-the-Move-Newsletter-Zone-8
P. 4


     Article by ARC PDG Brian Coffey

         We all know  that  whole communities are  doing it ‘socially’ tough right now, service  Clubs and
     community groups are part of the crisis – yet may be the solution for many. Research at the ANU
     indicates that Australia’s economic response to the crisis has left most households in a better position
     than was feared.

     I am sure most clubs have had plenty of ups and downs and instability that they have had to ride out since their
     charter –setbacks can make us stronger, in various ways, it may well be that a strong service club will be the panacea
     for many, coming out of COVID as we adapt to the way we operate and the services we offer, to meet that ‘new

     We need to stay focused and bounce back with inbuilt resilience. Now is the time to focus on more than bouncing
     back to get you to where you were before COVID, we need to safeguard our clubs future; develop and implement
     strategies that will help make you viable to your members and your community. The second wave should be the
     obvious warning that  things are not going away overnight. A third wave and fourth  wave flare  ups have been
     predicted. There will be no ‘back to normal’ following COVID-19 pandemic; the idea of simply ‘bouncing back’ isn’t
     Businesses are already focussing on economic alternatives to supply, fortifying their resilience, streamlining their
     leadership, developing more caring and flexible working cultures and lowering their risk – this will be the norm for
     the better organisations.

     Despite your current pain of not meeting, or at risk of becoming a ‘Zoombi’ we must start strategising around a ‘new
     normal’ grasping the communication and learning opportunities that have opened up. RI President Holger Knaack
     urges us to ‘work together to explore flexible options’ and to ‘devote this time to strengthen your

     Clubs cannot afford to be slow in reaching out to the members and community, talking about how things are going
     to change with the future, taking advantage of the opportunities, learning and technology as it arises, analysing our
     weaknesses and planning. Unfortunately, a look at ‘My Rotary’ indicates that planning is not a strength of many
     clubs. A club analysis and goal setting, engaging all the members, may be a good starting point.

     A strong club now, may not be a strong club when things return; communities have undergone enormous behaviour
     change. The classic example will be handwashing and social distancing these may become the norm, as long term
     forced behaviour change becomes a permanent way of life.

     Planning for your Clubs future will involve:
     Trust of your members – most members are fiercely passionate and dedicated to their clubs and will go above and
     beyond to support the club. This is where the good relationships and benefits of membership will pay off.
     Respect of your members - backing members is vitally important, there is no better way to crush the willingness
     of a volunteer than to knock them back – there are plenty of other groups who will appreciate their enthusiasm.
     They might do things differently – perhaps different is better. Support them knowing those decisions were made
     using the best evidence and the right intention at the time.
     Investing in your members with prior skills, knowledge, contacts, and authority. If you are not there – I am sure
     members will step up and run the Club.
     Participation through giving newer members the reins; by listening, and instigating their ideas and visions as part
     of your succession planning and training. Every club has a mix of workers, managers, and leaders – group dynamics
     in a volunteer melting pot – it makes our clubs interesting and different from the workplace. Develop those members
     through delegation and training opportunities within Rotary, at Club, District level and beyond.

     Tough decisions are part of these times we are going through, it will not last forever, but do not let the important
     things slide. The most important asset you have in your club, or any workplace is the members, or workers.

     Spend your time on things that matter the most. As one PDG once told me, do not worry about your number plate
     light, if the headlights are not working.

     Good financial management and cost control is always vital – but now more than ever. Are venues, meals, fines and
     donating money to every other organisation, at your own members and club’s peril, effective?

     My advice is to hang in there, get some outside advice from your Assistant or Area Governors, Training Team,
     District Chairs, District Governor, Assistant Rotary Coordinators, Rotary Head Office. Most importantly, do not be
     afraid to try different things. Stay strong and do more that bounce back, lets knock the ball right out of the park.

    Rotary on the Move                                                  October 2020                         Page 4
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