Page 7 - 2020-05-Rotary-on-the-Move-Newsletter-Zone-8
P. 7


     Rotary Voices, Posted on April 8, 2020. Article by ARC PDG Ingrid Waugh

     During this time of physical separation and social distancing, it is more important than ever to keep
     our social connections. Rotarians join Rotary to do good in their community. They stay because of

     the connections they make. Our relationships are important, and we need to strengthen the ones we

     have and to build new ones. What might this look like in our changed world?
     For starters, we can help Rotary stay strong, and even prosper, by working together and taking care of each other –

     just what Rotary members always do. All of us have had our normal routines disrupted. And when people take a
     break from these routines for an extended period, they sometimes find other things to fill the gap. That is why it’s

     vitally important that we keep our members connected and engaged in new ways.

     With our creativity and innovation, we can even reach out to new people who are looking for something to get them
     through these strange times. People in our communities are seeking purpose, and an opportunity to contribute. We

     have resources to help them do that.

     Here are some ideas:
         §  Communicate with members through email, social media, virtual meeting tools

         §  Make it a two-way conversation by encouraging “user generated content” to your web and social media
         §  Convert your meetings to virtual ones. Check out this article from District 9500 for advice on keeping these
           meeting captivating.
         §  Keep a schedule of dynamic speakers, by adding them to your virtual meetings

         §  Hold district-wide meetings virtually
       §  Create a challenge that members can take part in, either a project, competition, or activity, which can be done
           from their homes
       §  Share ideas for projects that you can collaborate on together remotely

       §  Set up a phone tree of members to keep in contact
         §  Create a club buddy system to pair up members and make sure that vulnerable members are supported
       §  Inject some fun items into your newsletters and bulletins to lighten the mood and keep people’s minds off the
           gravity of these times

         §  Update your club website with a new tab for information on how people can get involved with your club online
           or virtually. You could also create a tab  for listing  volunteer opportunities like this district
       §  Keep members engaged through Rotary online learning tools such as the Learning Center. You can take part
           in learning modules and webinars as a group through platforms like Zoom.
       §  Review and revise your club’s strategic plan

       §  Work together with community partners to identify the most pressing needs. Engage with other community
           organizations like Meals on Wheels.
       §  Rotary’s disaster response grants provide a fast and effective way to respond to local  events. The Rotary
           Foundation recently added COVID-19 projects to its list of eligible activities for these grants. Learn more

         §  Volunteer to run errands for those in need, in keeping with whatever restriction your local and regional
           authorities have in place for staying safe.

                                            ‘THE BOYS OF 1905’
     From Zones 28 & 32 website - Posted on Sep 29, 2018,  Rotary One

     Thanks to Harald Kuckertz, RC Edmonton Strathcona, D-5370 for capturing this

     video during a make-up meeting to the Rotary eClub of the South West USA.

     Please click here to watch.


          We would like to hear from Clubs or Districts telling us what they have done. Please include a summary,

            contact details, a couple of captioned photos, and email to Issa Shalhoub, this Newsletter’s editor.

         We also would like readers to share their experiences and stories on Best Practices in their Clubs and what has

               worked for their Clubs in gaining new members and also what has helped in keeping members.

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