Page 6 - 2020-05-Rotary-on-the-Move-Newsletter-Zone-8
P. 6


     Article by PP Ross Wade, RC of Milton-Ulladulla, District 9710

     The community of Milton Ulladulla in New South Wales, Australia has been hit recently with several
     environmental and social crises. Yet through this the local Rotary Club of Milton-Ulladulla, District 9710,
     has risen to the challenge, explored positive changes and indeed has now grown in numbers.

     The recent droughts, fires and floods devastated the surrounding district and decimated business income and
     projected annual income.
     Then the unbelievable occurred. In mid-March the announcement came that the country was facing the medical
     crisis of the coronavirus pandemic and the social lockdown. The Rotary club had to rethink all its plans for the year
     and modify methods by which the club members may stay connected and focused.

     Fortunately, the modern computer technology offers many innovative methods to reach out to each other. The
     current tough times of social isolation that may extend beyond six months forces clubs to fall back on their own
     initiatives. As a club it is important to maintain connections and vitality despite the social physical disconnection.
     Ideas are currently coming to the fore as to how this new skill of electronic communication may be utilised for the
     better in the future. Perhaps that means more committee meetings by internet.  It could also ease discussion about
     possibly alternating dinner meetings with electronic communication meetings.  This could be an important element
     when in the aftermath of the current crisis we may find members whose businesses and potential commitments
     have been seriously affected financially.

                                                                                     Christine attaching the Rotary Pin

     Rotarians welcoming Christine and Jonathan (top LH corner) by applauding        Jonathan attaching the Rotary Pin
     Luckily, as with other clubs, we had a member who encouraged us all to link up electronically using the software
     Zoom and soon we were communicating regularly. At the first meeting we were all excited to catch up and see each
     other on the screen. Due to our forced isolation it was a relief to actually socialise together.
     The next meeting saw significant issues being discussed and even the board meeting was held over the internet
     which proved interesting, efficient and pertinent. Indeed, all the issues seemed to take place far more pragmatically
     than usually.
     The following meeting was very special as under normal circumstances we were to hold a special function to
     celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the club. Now the grand event was another electronic contact meeting which
     included a full visual rundown on the history of our club.
     Then on Tuesday evening 14 April, 2020 our traditional club made history by actually welcoming and inducting two
     new members into the group via Zoom. As is the custom the new members were congratulated and welcomed by
     others through the electronic connection. Fortunately, the new members had already made themselves known to
     club members before the lockdown.

     Two Rotary pins and a welcome to Rotary folder containing reading material and certificates were delivered to their
     door steps and the new members Christine Bell and Jonathan Benyei were asked to attach their Rotary pins on each
     other, which was followed by all participants clapping to replace the customary hand shake, all of which was
     witnessed by RI DE Jessie Harman, two Zone 8 Rotary Coordinators, Adrian Roach and Tim Moore, a past member
     of our Club PDG Rob Wylie and the AG of our District Phil Presgrave..
     The Rotary club of Milton-Ulladulla is proud of its long sixty-year history and rather than feel daunted by the current
     social and economic turmoil, the club has risen to the fore to maintain its vigour and social vision. Growth gives us
     hope for the future and offers fresh insight as to how we may use stress to generate an exciting relevant future
     embracing new technologies.

     To view the Induction video,  please click here

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