Page 6 - Rotary Matters - September 2021
P. 6

Public Image team 2021-2022

        We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the District 9510 Public Image team to enable you
        to put names to faces and also provide an idea of how we can help you. The team can provide guidance
        with all the areas which support your clubs’ public image - from questions about websites, social media,
        branding correctly, promotional products, content creation, through to event and project promotion.

        Our focus is on building partnerships, utilising the strengths and skills of members across the district,
        creating partnerships, and most importantly strengthening the reach and visibility of Rotary in our
        community. If you need guidance or support and are not sure if we can help you, please reach out
        anyway and ask the question. If not us, then we can certainly connect you with the right person.

        Those of you who already doing great things then please get in contact with us as we want to hear what
        you are doing. Let’s showcase Rotary Clubs who are doing great things – because the more ideas we can
        share, then the greater we can make the Rotary experience for everyone.

                                               Fiona Biedermann
                                     Fiona has been a Rotarian for a shorter period than some. She joined as a Charter member
                                     of the Seaford Rotary club in 2016. In her short time as a Rotarian, she’s been President of
                                     her club, has presented on Membership at numerous clubs and District training events and
                                     is in her second year serving as the District Membership Chair, also picking up a dual
        responsibility taking on the Public Image role this year as well.

        She brings 15+ years of Change Management, Project Management and Leadership Coaching skills in her
        work life into everything she does within Rotary. Fiona is passionate about building on the strengths and
        skills of every individual within our clubs to improve membership and public image across the district.

                                     Julie Johnson
                                     Julie has been a Rotarian for 14 years and grew up as a child in a Rotarian family. Member
                                     of Rotary Club of Adelaide and President Rotary Club of Prospect 2019-20. Julie had the
                                     pleasure of promoting the first ever District 9510 Conference on Facebook and working
                                     with District.
        Julie enjoys hearing and seeing some of the wonderful projects/fellowship activities happening within clubs
        throughout the District and is delighted to be co-ordinating Public Image Facebook page for the District
        9510 this year.  Julie is District 9510 Rotaract Chair 2021/22.

        Connecting to Julie is a big part of the Rotary Family and is passionate about connecting people and feels by
        showcasing some of the great thing’s clubs are doing etc on District Facebook that Rotary Clubs can connect
        and reach out and share ideas. It also highlights to members of the public what great things are happening
        in their community and hopefully it will encourage new members.

        We have a great membership/public image team and I’m sure you will all enjoy what everyone contributes
        and we invite you to message any one of us if you have something you would like to draw to our attention
        to share.

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