Page 1 - Rotary Matters - September 2021
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September 2021  DG Newsletter
                                       Dear fellow Rotarians, partners and friends of Rotary,

                                       Well, time has gone by very quickly and we are already 2 months into the new Rotary
                                       year. With restrictions easing, clubs have been able to return to most of their regular
                                       meetings and projects, although gatherings are still limited and we still have a few
        functions being cancelled. We are also conscious of the clubs in our District that are in other states that
        are still facing varied levels of lock-down. We think of those clubs in Alice Springs but more particularly the
        clubs that are being severely impacted in New South Wales and Victoria. I would encourage clubs in these
        regions to maintain contact with their members and utilize the technologies that have become available
        over the last 18 months to continue meeting where possible. I am sure that we are all looking forward to
        a time when restrictions are over and we can safely return to normal activities across the whole district.

        Jenny and I have just attended the last of the Changeovers
        that were moved because of restrictions. As mentioned in
        last month’s edition, Jenny and I started our official visits
        on the 2nd August and so far we have completed 15 club
        visits. We have 69 Rotary clubs and 5 Rotaract clubs still to
        go, but who’s counting.

        We have enjoyed the visits we have made so far and it has
        been a great experience. We have visited clubs near and
        far and there has been a common thread throughout all the visits and that is Rotary fellowship and
        commitment to serving the community. Although membership continues to be an issue for Rotary, it has
        been encouraging to note that regardless of size, clubs are still making an impact on their communities.

        September is Basic Education and Literacy month. There are many opportunities to support this initiative in
        the community and overseas. One example of this is Jenny’s partner project which is to support AllKids.

                                                        The purpose of AllKids is to ensure that all children in the Ream Commune
                                                        Cambodia have access to Education by eliminating the barriers that prevent
                                                        children from attending school. They also offer Early years education and
        school-based Education from year 1 to International Standard year 12. Jenny will be presenting information
        about this project as we visit clubs.  AllKids is a RAWCS project and information is available online.

        Although the Rotary calendar has a different focus each month, membership must still remain an
        important focus for us moving forward. Last month I shared some of RI President Shekhar’s goals,
        many of which focused around increasing our membership and strengthening the
        impact Rotary has on the community. It has been encouraging to see the clubs have
        been engaging with these goals and ideas and incorporating them into their clubs
        strategic plans.

                                                       continued over....
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