Page 10 - Rotary Matters - November 2021
P. 10

RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Award

        September saw the most recent RYLA Program being held at the Nunyara Conference Centre.

        It's a program that has layers of involvement, bringing together:
          •  Young Adult Awardees, with a core goal of gaining leadership skills to utilise throughout their future.
          •  Young Leaders, who are honing the skills they learned as Awardees and paying it back.
          •  Rotarians and their clubs, who are investing in the future with both time and sponsorship.
        RYLA needs the involvement of all 3 groups to continue to be a flagship program of Rotary in the future.

        Having only taken up the position of RYLA
        Committee chair in July and not having had
        the experience of being an Alumni, September
        was my first opportunity to see the program
        first hand.

        Our sponsor club for the September program
        was the Rotary Club of Campbelltown. Their
        financial contribution and the support and
        involvement of club members was outstanding,
        I can only hope all future clubs aim for the same standard. They were also one of the 28 clubs who
        sponsored the 35 awardees who attended. Thank you to all of those clubs for your continued support.

                                                                                            Across the 7 day program, I not only got to meet awardees,
                                                                                            get to know members of the Campbelltown Rotary Club
                                                                                            and the leadership team, but to sit in on some of the
                                                                                            speakers, and workshops. I can assure you that the
                                                                                            awardees weren't the only one's enhancing their leadership
                                                                                            skills, there was a Chair who was avidly writing notes to
                                                                                            improve hers as well!

        RYLA is one method for Rotary to plan for the future - how many members of your club are Alumni of a
        Rotary program? It isn't a short term goal but a long term one, where we have the opportunity to teach
        the skills, see them being utilised, before they return to benefit Rotary in the future.

        Be a part of this valuable program. Encourage awardees to apply, sponsor the program, and be involved in
        the program.

        Our committee is happy to promote the program to your club, just ask.

        Helen Marshall
        Chair, RYLA Committee

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