Page 1 - Rotary Matters - March 2023
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March 2023  DG Newsletter

                          Dear fellow Rotarians, partners and friends of Rotary,

                          Meetings – degrees of separation
                          I begin this message as I finished off the last, with those words of Paul Harris
                          If Rotary is to realise its proper destiny it must be Evolutionary at all times
                          and Revolutionary on occasions.
         I illustrated that Support is what Rotary do, home and abroad. I wrote of the newly established
         District RAWCS registered project, “New Dawn – Rotary – Ukraine Crisis”.

         We had the project launch presentation by Maurice
         O’Connell at the Taylor & Forgie Funeral Home,
         Gawler South. This was an unusual Rotary venue,
         usually a place of serenity and reverence. It was a
         spectacular complex. A place where on many
         occasions we may sit, listen and learn about the
         lives of people we knew and celebrate that life.

         As I sat looking at the Ukraine flag draped over the
         catafalque in the crypt area of the Taylor and Forgie
         Funeral Home, I thought of one of my favourite
         Hymns, # 467 of Together in Song:

                                       I am the church! You are the church!
                                       We are the church together!
                                       All who follow Jesus all around the world,
                                       Yes, we’re the church together!
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         The church is not a building,  We’re many kinds of  people           And when people gather
         The church is not a steeple,  with many kinds of  faces,             there’s sing & there’s praying,
         The church is not a resting place,  all colours and all ages too,    there’s laughing & there’s crying sometimes
         The church is the people!     From all times and places.             All of  it is saying:

         We came together as one, including those that used the ability to live stream, that the Taylor
         and Forgie funeral home was able to offer. We have forged a personal relationship despite
         the distance, for a common and needed relief effort between Rotary D9510 and D2232 in

         The financial response has been encouraging, and we are receiving daily updates from
         Maurice who has now returned to the Ukraine.

         I was recently reading the Governor’s Newsletter D9500 – February 1995, written by then
         Governor Trevor Graske and I share in part: Rotary Award for World Understanding - Rotary’s
         highest honour. This prestigious award has been presented to those who have dedicated their
         lives to help improve the lives of those less fortunate than ourselves.

                                                                                        continued over....
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