Page 7 - 2020-09-Rotary-on-the-Move-Newsletter-Zone-8-1
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     Holger Knaack President 2020-21, from RI website

     … Rotary offers a way to connect for everyone who wants to, at any time, and will continue to do so.
     Some have even told me that they enjoy Rotary's mix of online and in-person meetings more now than
     before! How can we build on this momentum and seize the opportunity to embrace change so that
     Rotary keeps thriving?
     … We all agree that we need to grow Rotary, but sometimes we can get caught up in the numbers game and lose
     sight of the bigger picture. After all, an increase in membership is meaningless if next year, those new members
     leave our clubs. Let's grow Rotary sustainably. Rotary's flexible options for participation will engage members and
     show the community how we're different from any other club. Let's celebrate that Rotary is now less about rules and
     more about joining together in a variety of ways besides traditional meetings.
     … It's fascinating to imagine how we will find new ways to adapt and stay nimble this year and beyond. But I am also
     inspired about what hasn't changed and never will in Rotary: the friendships, the networking, the ethics, and the
     service. Indeed, these are the values that make Rotary attractive to all.
     As Rotary's founder, Paul Harris, said, we have to be revolutionary from time to time. Now is such a time. Rotary
     Opens Opportunities — countless ones — for us to embrace change that will strengthen us even as we remain true
     to our core values.
     From ONE ROTARY CENTER, 20 Aug 2020
     … As we build a stronger future for our organization, it’s good that we are reaching out to new people and introducing
     them to Rotary. It’s important that our clubs reflect the communities we serve. More diverse voices in our clubs and
     in our leadership will help Rotary stay in touch with a changing world.

     So let’s find every opportunity to show we value each and every member. Let’s seize this moment to build on what
     we’ve learned, to embrace our new reality, to welcome new faces, and to find additional ways to shine. This is how
     we will have a continuing impact on the world. And if you need assistance along the way, Rotary offers many
     resources that can help you reach your goals.
     Rotary means different things in different parts of the world, but we are all united by our core values and by The
     Four-Way Test. Rotary may change, but our values remain constant. …


     Past RI Director Noel Trevaskis, Conference Convenor, says:
        … The array of presenters is first class plus you will be able to experience what is happening in Australia, New
                    Zealand and the South Pacific. This conference is one not to miss, it will be historic.
      I would encourage Rotary Clubs to have their Rotary meeting on the Saturday or Sunday or both days and watch
                     the conference live (between 11.30AM AEST and 1.00PM AEST each day on the
                                            19  and 20  of September 2020).
                          Organise a brunch, lunch or afternoon tea and share the experience …
     To print and view the programme please click here.             Click here to register.


                We would like to hear from Clubs or Districts telling us what they have done. Please include a summary,
                  contact details, a couple of captioned photos, and email to Issa Shalhoub, this Newsletter’s editor.

       We also would like readers to share their experiences and stories on Best Practices in their Clubs and what has worked for their
                           Clubs in gaining new members and also what has helped in keeping members.

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