Page 5 - 2021-03-Rotary-on-the-Move-Newsletter-Zone-8
P. 5


      Article by President Alan Maitland, from the Rotary Club of Waimate Bulletin,  D9980 and

      sent by PDG ARC Karen Purdue

      Is it the TRUTH?
      Is it FAIR to all concerned?
      Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
      Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

      Is It The Truth: We are a community within a community. Fellowship is
      one of our foundations, we have a common goal of service above self, we
      meet as equals and enjoy a closeness of relationship supported by freedom
      of access – weekly connections. This is the Truth.

      Is it Fair to All: We get to mix it up! Connections within our club, between
      our members, are wide and many, supported in some ways by the process
      of seating by playing card. This ensures great mixing, and an opportunity
      to get to know each other.

      This protects us from developing cliques, networks if you will, that stand in
      in the way of that culture.
      I believe this creates an environment of trust and mutual respect for each
      other. This is Fair.
      Will It Build Goodwill And Better Relationships: Our ‘house’ is a
      big one. People of many vocations, denominations, ethnicity and beliefs. As
      a club we are known to be strong in fellowship.

      I think it is imperative that as club members, our place continues to be one where we strive to be seen as a group of
      likeminded citizens who are supportive, respectful, engaging and self-aware of each other’s space and needs.

      Through the good work of our past and current Rotarians this ethos is something we should, and need to continue.  It
      is important that we all commit to being ‘that person’ at the club who lives these values.
      Rotarians, you will have your own key judgement on what builds goodwill and better relationships for you. For me
      personally, I like to shed my daily rigours of work to ‘take a break’ and just enjoy the fellowship that Rotary offers. I
      believe this Builds goodwill and better relationships.

      Will It Be Beneficial To All Concerned: This is not a given as it takes work to achieve and maintain. Outside of
      Rotary we all have our own vocations whether they be as a retiree, owner of a business or ‘working for the man’ as
      it were, to name a few.

      Rotary gives us an opportunity to focus on that which we may not focus on in our 9-5 or 6-6 working environment.
      It is about providing a process whereby we put things in place to support others who need it most.

      I believe you don’t have to go past the Rotary Motto of ‘Service above Self’. It is part of the glue, the fabric of society
      that looks after, takes care of others.

      Our charity (The Rotary Foundation), humanity and fellowship are hugely important to us and others. It starts with
      members connecting with each other, treating each other as equals in a social and respectful way delivering a safe
      environment where great thoughts and ideas can grow to become great projects that benefit others. I believe this
      makes it Beneficial to all concerned.


      From January 2021 Rotary Leader

      It might seem like a small thing, but a logo that isn’t used properly can create confusion and mistrust. We always
      want to use Rotary’s logos consistently and properly to maintain a global Rotary brand that members, donors, and
      the public can trust. Over the next year, we plan to talk much more about branding. In the first of a series of Rotary
      Voices blog posts on this topic, Rotary’s brand specialist, Liz Thiam, explains why clubs should use the Rotary logo
      correctly in their communities and how they can do that.

    Rotary on the Move                                                    March 2021                         Page 5
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