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         With significant attention centred on why Rotaractors were not joining Rotary, Bec realised many people were
     actively engaged but unable to find their place in the Rotary family. Rotary Alumni became the target audience for

     a new type of club, which promises a low cost, low time model with high social impacts.
     Within a week of reaching out to a group of Rotary Alumni about the vision for RSIN, there were 70 people who
     vocalised their support in joining a club with a personalised model.
     A core group of 20 was formed, focusing on infrastructure development, strategy and governance. The process took
     longer than anticipated because the group were not afraid to ask questions and ensure the foundation was strong
     and we offered the best possible Rotary product to our members.
     Reflection and consultation were critical in this process, significant time and effort was spent ensuring we asked
     questions of ourselves as each step towards chartering was taken. Importantly, we do not have weekly or fortnightly
     meetings. That decision was made after months of working towards creating our club when we realised we were
     going to be having meetings for the  purpose  of information sharing but we already had a more efficient
     communication framework planned.
     This was in the form of our Members Portal, hosted by Microsoft Teams. This is the heart of our club and was
     exciting for us to develop. With different ‘channels’ of themed information, our members can choose to be informed
     about only the topics of interest to them.
     Importantly, RSIN needed a champion. Without someone inside, driving a vision forward a new model of approach
     won’t get off the ground. We are excited to have become one of the newest members of the Rotary International
     Family and will be celebrating our chartering online at 3pm AEST on Saturday 27 June 2020.


     From Rotary Voices. Article by Jenny Stotts. Posted on May 14, 2020

     Resilience is the process of adapting in the face of adversity. When we experience a traumatic  or
     stressful event, our brains activate a number of pathways to protect us. These biological processes help
     keep us safe. It’s in the recovery from these events that we grow and change and become stronger.
     Many of us are living this reality right now in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The good news is, there are ways
     to grow our capacity for resiliency. And we can use this time to strengthen Rotary, by working together to grow and
     foster resilience in our fellow members and our clubs. Here are a few tips:
     Connect: A critical building block for resilience is simply connecting with others. Check in with fellow members.
     Call them, send them a message, work to make sure they can access your virtual meetings. As a club, consider
     connecting with other clubs to weave yourself further into the global fabric of Rotary.
     Perspective: When we experience ongoing adversity, it is far too easy to lose hope. Help members maintain a
     realistic and positive perspective. Rotary clubs are facing challenges right now including adjusting to new meeting
     platforms and worrying about  membership or giving. Remember that the challenges you face today are not a
     reflection of your future. How you respond to today’s challenges will shape the future.
     Wellness: We are living during a time where words like “quarantine,” “lockdown,” and “zoom fatigue” are common
     and relatable. Promote and prioritize wellness among your members. Use your virtual meeting to ask members to
     share ways that they are taking care of themselves and their families. Be gracious when a member needs to take a
     break, skip a meeting or have an extra few days to respond to an email. Now is not the time to keep points or compete
     with who is doing more or less. Speak and listen with kindness.
     Purpose: When we give energy to others, it has a way of recharging our own batteries. It fosters a sense of self-
     worth and gives us feelings of purpose and validation. Plan service opportunities with your fellow members that you
     are able to accomplish and approach. Offering smaller projects concurrent to your larger, ongoing projects gives
     everyone in your club an access point to service.
     Gratitude: We benefit from mindful and intentional  reflections in gratitude. It can promote the release of
     neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which help us feel joy or happiness. Take a moment to share thanks
     to your fellow members and create opportunities for your entire club to extend gratitude to your community and
     your partners.
     When we collectively care for our members, we help create pathways to grow and foster resilience. When we scale
     these practices to the organization level, we unlock new potential to strengthen our clubs and enhance the member
     The world deserves Rotarians and Rotary clubs that are resilient, adaptable, and strong. Remember to take care of
     one another. But, take care of yourself, too. You deserve to be your best and most resilient self.
     About the author: Jenny Stotts is a charter member of the Rotary Club of Athens Sunrise, Ohio, USA. She is the
     membership chair of District 6690. She is also a licensed, practicing social worker, child advocate and trauma

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