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     By 9670 IPDG Graeme Hooper

     Our Wheel of Excellence is exactly that, moving on and making our organisation adaptive to our ever-
     changing community and cultural needs.
     Like many things in Rotary we need to stop evaluate and consider what is more relevant in today’s
     While it is great to re-live and recognise the passion of others for our wonderful organisation that have gone before
     us, we must also be mindful in our communication that it is succinct and relevant today.

     Many of our documents we use  are couched in language from a bygone era, one of those is the ‘New  Member
     During my year as District Governor I felt it was time to modernise the process and I have enclosed a more modern
     member induction which everyone may wish to use.
     I trust Rotarians will find this more engaging and relevant as encourage new members to fell part of an energetic
     organisation that is moving forward.

     Rotarians and Guests
     Rotary is where neighbours, friends and problem solvers share ideas, join leaders, and take action to create lasting change.
     I am honoured to welcome ………………………… to our global community.  They have been invited to join Rotary and wish to
     formally connect with their community to join Rotarian colleagues as People of Action.
     The Rotary Club of ……………. recognises ………………………… has the personal qualities of integrity and passion, to take on
     the opportunities and challenges that Rotary presents.

     I understand you have already been to several meetings and have gathered some insight to this fantastic organisation we
     call Rotary International.

     Rotary offers you the ability to connect with your local community, region and internationally to allow you to share your
     passion in making our communities a better place to live.

     The resources of our organisation are unique including our large well-funded Rotary Foundation which is Rotary’s Charity
     working within Australia and internationally. You may know of it through the End Polio Campaign

     ………………………… will mentor your journey into Rotary and please make use of the great learning and information tools
     available via If not already, ………………………… will ensure you have a login for both our international and
     district site.

     Please also join our members’ only District Facebook page.
     …………………………, it is my utmost pleasure, as a Rotarian, to welcome you into our Rotary family.
     I ask that you wear this lapel pin with pride as it is what connects you with 1.2 million other Rotarians globally.
     Please welcome …………………………, to the Rotary Club of …………………...

                             ‘HOW TO MAKE YOUR CLUB VIBRANT’

     From January 2021 Rotary Leader
     The Rotary Club of Seoul was established in 1927 as the first club in Korea. In recent years, though, its membership
     had been diminishing. Club leaders took steps to transform the club, including founding a satellite club for English-
     speaking leaders ages 19-35 and offering a convertible membership program.
     How healthy is your club? The Is Your Club Healthy? course in the Learning Center will show you how to use the
     Rotary Club Health Check, the first step in becoming a vibrant and healthy club.

                                       ‘PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE’

     RI President 2020-21 Holger Knaack, Nov 2020
     … Rotary has a big enough heart. If we open our door wider, we might find a lot of interesting people
     with new voices and new perspectives. We already have a variety of clubs offering different styles,
     cultures, and opportunities — and those who do not feel welcome in any particular club might be great
     candidates for new clubs created on different models. It's important that we make sure every new
     Rotary member is a good fit for their club. Rotary Opens Opportunities through diversity.

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