Page 5 - 2021-04-Rotary-on-the-Move-Newsletter-Zone-8
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      Many clubs also are increasingly focusing on the importance of continual member growth to drive long-term

      member engagement. During my governor year, I identified outstanding Rotarians that were being underused by
      their club and/or district, and as a result were getting apathetic. I offered them new positions in the district such as
      assistant governor or district committee chair positions. As a result, their apathy disappeared and they displayed a
      renewed Rotary spirit.

      In the private sector, we often create an individual growth plan for every employee to ensure satisfaction, loyalty,
      and long-term commitment. It makes sense to do the same for each member in your club. For example, which
      members have you identified as an emerging leader and invited to attend Zone Emerging Leader events? Which
      members have you invited to attend Rotary Leadership Institute courses? Which members have you identified to
      mentor Rotaractors?
      I encourage every club to focus on acquisition, retention, and growth. Once your club has this basic framework in
      place, you are ready to use it to determine appropriate next steps that will keep each member actively engaged. You
      can accomplish this by creating ‘member journeys,’ which describe the sequence of steps happy members have
      taken along their Rotary journey. Remember, members may join Rotary for one reason but over time learn to love
      Rotary for many reasons. Creating member journeys are particularly relevant to secure member engagement.

      About the author: Barton Goldenberg has spent the past 35 years created and implementing customer strategy for global,
      best-in-class organizations.

                                          ‘ASK THE QUESTION!’

      Article by Evelyn McCorkell, President of the Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific

      Our membership Director, Will Waterford, is one of those people who reaches out to everyone.   His
      aim is to recruit 1 new member every month!   He has brought along several guests and some have
      joined us.   We said, “how  do  you do this”?   He said, simple “I ask them  if they would like to
      join?”    Maybe that is where we sometimes go wrong,  we  don’t  ask  people to come and see what we
      do; are we scared they will say “No”?    So, Will invites them to come along to our club meeting and as a result we
      have had several new members in the past 12 months.   Everyone who does come to visit, either as a guest or a guest
      speaker, says; “we had such a good time, so much fun”.

      One of these new members, Bonnie Lynn, whose daughter works in Will’s Pet Shop, (that’s how she became a Club
      member because Will asked to come along!), helps to organise Share a Meal, who provide a meal in one of our
      beachside areas, for up to fifty homeless people on the Sunshine Coast every Thursday evening.   During COVID, all
      of these meals had to be prepacked and handed out, they could not serve hot meals,  so we were able to help with a
      donation towards the cost of the packaging.  So, after Bonnie joined, her husband, Matt, has also joined our club
      and he is heavily involved with a Turtle care programme here on the Sunshine Coast too. Matt is about to become
      our new Environmental Director too!  So, we have some interesting new members, these are just two of them.

                                          Photo from the Club’s Facebook page
      Our next new member, being inducted next week, brings his young daughter along to meetings, she is only about 9-
      year-old but maybe this is how we can introduce ourselves to the school she goes to and who knows where this will
      lead?  A new Interact/Rotaract Club would be a great way to encourage new members, and also their parents!   This
      is on the table for discussion - a new Rotary Club in an adjoining new residential area - we need the right plan of
      action, sometimes you don't get a second chance.

    Rotary on the Move                                                      April 2021                       Page 5
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