Page 8 - MODULE 2 – DISTRICT GRANTS D9510 Rotary Foundation Training 2022-23
P. 8

The Rotary Foundation Online Training

                                                          District Grants

         What Are            Application      Example of District      Project         Project Reporting      District Grant
       District Grants         Process           Grant Projects    Implementation         & Acquittal         Qualification

      ❖ The deadline for submitting the project report is 31 May 2023.  If reports are submitted earlier, reimbursement for the Grant
          component of the project will happen earlier.

      ❖ If reports are not received by the deadline funds will be returned to the Rotary Foundation and the club will be required to cover all
          funds expended towards the project.

      ❖ Reporting and Acquittal of the Grant requires completion and submission to the District Grants Chair of the Project Report and the
          Project Financial Report

      ❖ As the project report is kept as a record of the project and used to provide information for an article in the DG Newsletter, please include
          at least one photo about the project in the report.  Video records of the project also make a wonderful permanent record of the project.
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