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ROTARY ON THE MOVE                                                                                     Zone 8

       CONNECTS THE WORators’ Newsletter
           x ROTARY
  Rotary Coordin                                           March 2020                                     Volume 10 - Issue 8

                                     ‘RESULTS OF OUR PRE CHRISTMAS-READER SURVEY’
                                    Article by RC PDG Tim Moore

                                    Thank you to all of our readers who took the time to answer some short
                                    questions on our Rotary on the Move Newsletter (RoM)!   Almost 400
                                    readers took the survey, a great result, with useful feedback.

                                     Do you regularly read Rotary on the Move?          88% Yes

                                     Do you recommend or forward it your fellow
    In this issue:                                                                      60% Yes
                                     Are the articles useful to you in your Rotary      82% Yes, somewhat to
                                     position?                                          extremely valuable
         - Reader Survey             Do you find the style easy to read?                50% Yes, 22% Undecided,
         - Learn from New                                                               28% Disagreed
    1      Members
                                     Would you like RoM incorporated into our           48% Yes, 22% Maybe,
                                                                                        30% Disagreed
                                     Regional Magazine? e.g. Rotary Down Under

         Regional Membership        Overall, we are very pleased with the survey results, but there are areas of concern
    2      Officer Update           and 180 comments from readers with suggestions.  These will take some time to
                                    consider, but we will look and take notice of all of them.
                                    We know many Rotary leaders share RoM with their districts and members – the
         - Work Together for an     actual impact and coverage is much higher than mailing list.   All at no cost to our
           Effective Club
    3    - New Online Course        members!
                                    Our database is regularly updated and voluntary, so you would expect readership
                                    to be high.   We will review our design as time goes on and seek again your feedback.
         Support for Drought        The contentious question was should it be incorporated in our Regional Magazine.
                                    This is valuable feedback as a lot of the comments against were from those outside
    4      Affected Families        of Australia and NZ who feel that they would miss out!   No decision has been made

         - Brand and Club           The great strength of our regional newsletter is that it is made up of articles from
           Membership               all parts of Australia, NZ, the Pacific Islands and the world plus Rotarians in all type
    5    - Presidential Message     of positions.   We are always looking for success stories and experiences that can be
                                      shared, plus we encourage you to share as well!

         - Alpaca or Groundhog         ‘GROW STRONGER AS WE LEARN FROM NEW MEMBERS’
    6  - Welcome Sign               Holger Knaack, RI President-elect
                                    “We believe that our acts of service, big and small, create opportunities
                                    for people who need our help,” Knaack said. He added that Rotary
                                    creates leadership opportunities and gives  members the chance to
         Shout Out                  travel the world to put their service ideas into action and make lifelong
    7                               connections. “Everything we do opens another opportunity for
                                    someone, somewhere,” said Knaack.

                                    Knaack also urged members to embrace change so Rotary can expand and thrive.
         - Developing Leaders       Rather than setting a specific target for increasing the number of members, Knaack
    8  - The Team                   said he’s asking clubs and districts to think about how to grow in a sustainable and
                                    organic way. He wants clubs to focus on keeping current members engaged and
                                    adding new members who are the right fit for their club.

                                    “We need to stop thinking of new members as people we can mark down as statistics
                                    and then forget about,” Knaack said. “Every new member changes us a little bit.
                                    That person brings a new perspective, new experiences. We need to embrace this

                                    constant renewal. We will grow stronger as we learn from new members.”
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